Tag Archives: Minneapolis Star Tribune

Why be a journalist?

Thanks to cartoonstock.com

Two years ago, I did a job shadow with my cousin, then an editor at the Minneapolis Star Tribune. I peered over the desks heaped with papers and notes and old food containers. I strained to hear the hushed but intense discussions between writers and editors taking place in the corners.  I was nearly run over as the crime reporter and accompanying photographer flew by to cover a breaking news story.

That day was when I looked around and went, “Yeah, this is DEFINITELY what I want to do.”

Of course, even just two years later things are already different. I had never heard of Twitter as of my senior year of high school, and Facebook was just somewhere to post photos and “poke” the cute guy in your homeroom class. No one I knew had a touch screen cell phone and get this- you couldn’t even use your iPod to take video!

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